I am experienced Free Lancer Software Developer / Solutions Architect, having about 20 years of experience in IT field. Developed custom business applications like CRM, Financial and eCommerce for clients in Canada & US. Contact me if, . Have a product or idea that you would like to bring into life? . Need a way to manage your business that doesn't come out a box? . Have a lot of manual data tasks you would like to automate? . Have current in-house software that you would like to enhanced?

IT TURNKEY SOLUTIONS is a full-service custom software development company focusing on first-class mobile and Web apps.
Helping your businesses grow. We help businesses of any size and complexity go digital. No matter what your business is, we help provide your customers the greatest convenience possible.
Focusing on your needs. Depending on your aims, we provide the best options based on your budget, development time and product maintainability. We do the work faster than you could so you can focus on moving your business forward.

Website Maintenance
Server Setup
Server Maintenance
